Let’s Talk Palladian Windows
Palladian windows are a beloved architectural element on both residential and public buildings, and have been used by architects for centuries.
Thoughts on Historic Preservation
Historic preservation in America began in earnest with the movement to preserve George Washington’s Mount Vernon, and with the founding of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities in 1889.
Splintered Floors
Every kid I know who grew up in the Fan has a story about splintered wooden floors.
Recently, I was showing a gorgeous Fan house to an enthusiastic couple who had told me that ‘no off-street parking’ was the absolute deal-breaker for them in their search for the perfect home.
Downsizing Wisely
I have a lot of buyer clients who are empty-nesters looking for their next home. It’s often a bittersweet, but exciting exciting time, and mistakes can be costly and time-consuming.